is currently backordered. You may still purchase it now but it won't ship until it becomes available again.
This is the option for you if its going to take a few sessions to bring your body back into balance. By booking a course of 5 x 1 hour sessions up front, you will be saving a total of £25 - the equivalent to a 30 minute back, neck and shoulder massage!
For chronic muscular problems that have built up over a period of time, it will take more than one session to bring the body back into balance so why not consider saving money by investing upfront in a course of 5 treatments.
Latest massage news - As you may know I had identical twin girls - however as a result of my pregnancy I've had ongoing issues with my back which has prevented me from returning to massage. I'm having repeated Sports massage, McTimney chiropractic treatment and when I have time, I'm doing pilates. If you want to be notified when I'm back massaging, simply send an email to Thank you for all your ongoing messages of support!
If you would like to book a massage, please click here.
For directions to Freya Natural Therapy in Farnham, please click here. (Please note Old Park Lane is an unmade farm track which has potholes! Please enter Old Park Lane via Castle Street).
If you would like to purchase a gift voucher, simply add to your basket and checkout.