is currently backordered. You may still purchase it now but it won't ship until it becomes available again.
If you need the full works - a deep tissue remedial massage but would also like a bit of pampering as well, then I would recommend this Combined Massage. This is a full 90 minute treatment consisting of 45 minutes of remedial massage tailored to your requirements and focussing on the areas that you want sorting out. This is followed by a 45 minute relaxing reflexology treatment which aims to bring the body back into balance and leaves you feeling relaxed and uplifted.
The 90 minutes will include an initial consultation and then will follow with treatment of the ‘problem’ area you wish to be treated.
Exciting News - Freya is currently pregnant - expecting identical twins who are due in July! As a result she is putting the massage side of the business on hold from mid April. If you would like to be notified as to when she is back massaging again - please send a message to
If you would like to book a massage, please click here.
For directions to Freya Natural Therapy in Farnham, please click here. (Please note Old Park Lane is an unmade farm track which has potholes! Please enter Old Park Lane via Castle Street).
If you would like to purchase a massage gift voucher simply add to the cart.
I put together this combined massage option at the request of several of my clients. They wanted a deep tissue massage that helped address their really tight muscles, but they knew this would be an uncomfortable treatment in places, and therefore wanted to end the treatment with a more relaxing massage. Finishing the treatment with a reflexology massage is perfect as one of the benefits of reflexology is that its brilliant for reducing pain and its a very relaxing treatment.