I'm 24 weeks pregnant! All is well. Twin 1 (on my left) is behaving and is head down and twin 2 is currently bum presenting ie breech. However they are moving around so much I'm sure this will change again at the next scan. The hospital have said that because there are currently no signs of TTTS, which normally presents itself by this stage, that my next scan doesn't need to happen for 4 weeks! eek! I do quite like the reassurance of regular scans. Having said that I'm feeling them move much more strongly now which is in itself reassuring so I guess I'll be OK.
The midwife told me that by 24 weeks the pregnancy is viable - ie they have a chance of surviving if they arrive from now on. I thought this was just for singletons but she seemed adamant that it was the same from twins! OK - that's also v. reassuring. 6 months pregnant - eeek. It still doesn't feel real yet. Although I'm looking pretty large already!
What was scary was that she said my hospital bag should be packed! Err. I'm nowhere near! We have however found a larger car which arrives in 2 days! (had to be big enough to fit a twin double buggy, 2 x labradors, the twins, their kit and our kit as well! Didn't leave us with too many options bearing in mind we need a 4 x 4 to get down the road that leads to us! We also went to a nearly new sale at the weekend and I bought 4 babygrows! My first clothing purchase!
The carpenter is hopefully coming some time next month to put in a fitted wardrobe in the twins bedroom which is currently "the room where everything lives"! We don't have any storage in our house, so we need this wardrobe with big cupboards above to give us a bit more storage.
Next week we are off to do some serious kit shopping - car seats, cots, linen, well basically everything. I've been working on a master kit list which I'm just refining at the moment. Tamba - the UK twin's charity offer good discounts with several stores so I'm trying to make sure we save as much as we possibly can. We've been so lucky being given twin kit from my sister in law (who's boys are now 6 this year!) - and we are also taking advantage of being given just one of things - as that minimises the amount we need to buy.
As far as I'm concerned, I'm still feeling good with good amounts of energy. However the heartburn is a real problem. It was really bad today having to lie down for the scan ... I thought I was going to be sick at one point. I'm still doing research to find out best things for it but I'm not there yet. Maybe there isn't a cure but it makes me feel better trying to find one! My legs are starting to swell up by the end of the day. The midwife's advice was to make sure the legs were raised higher than the heart. This makes for an interesting position bearing in mind that I'm supposed to stay sitting up to avoid aggravating the heartburn!
I had my first pregnancy yoga class which was also interesting. It was fantastic in terms of teaching you deep breathing which you can call on in times of stress/labour, however again I couldn't do any of the exercises lying down because my heartburn started! So I was the one in the class who had to have specially adapted exercises to suit me!
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