Freya Cullington

34 weeks pregnant with twins

I've finally hit a wall! 

Hmm where do I begin?  I still have horrendous heartburn, my feet no longer resemble feet because they are so swollen and by the end of the day they are so painful ... and when I have to do bathroom trips in the night (very frequently) it takes me a while to walk properly because the skin is stretched so tight that my ankles dont bend properly! And two late entrants to the race .... lower back pain and rampaging hormones! 

I suffer from lower back pain anyway and to be honest I'm surprised that its taken until 34 weeks to really feel bad pain and I think that is mainly in part to the fact that I've been having McTimney Chiropractic treatment once every 3 weeks.  Its a tiny minor adjustment caused by just flicking - or that's what it feels like - and because the ligaments/tendons, muscles are so much looser, that's all tha...

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