The time has finally arrived!
In the last few weeks of pregnancy I was on serious countdown to the date of my elective c section. It really couldn't come soon enough. Everything was uncomfortable. Twin 1 had dropped very low and was pressing on my bladder which meant even more frequent bathroom trips and because we live on a very bumpy farm track, every time I went out in the car it was torture to get down the lane! I prayed that I wouldn't have to face going down the lane whilst in labour!
Anyway the due date arrived with no serious trauma. Our hospital policy required all ladies with elective C sections arrive at the Postnatal ward by 7am having been nil-by-mouth for the previous 12 hours. I had my 'pre-op' meeting with a consultant anaesthetist the day before.
I was number 3 on the list. So I think I walked down to theatre at about midday. Its very bizarre walking into an operating room - It was all very casual and friendly with everyone introducing themselves and explaining what their...